A few days ago when Club Penguin wasn't working I emailed them asking about it.
Here is what I said:
"Hi I was wondering since Club Penguin wasn't working, are we going to get
the 2 days lost of our memberships? Sorry If thats cheap of me to ask, I'mjust curious.
Please Email back :]
~Ice Berg1010~"
This is what they emailed back saying:
Thanks for letting us know about the troubles you've had when attempting to log into Club Penguin. On Monday June 20th we experienced a technical glitch that caused our domain to expire. As a result, players were unable to access our website. The issue was resolved later that same day and most players are able to log in to Club Penguin again!
If you are still having troubles viewing our website, this is likely a result of your local Internet Service Provider (the company that provides your home with internet) not recognizing that we have fixed the issue. They have to 'flush their DNS' (Domain Name Server) and unfortunately, if they have not yet made this update, you may be unable to view www.clubpenguin.com.
Our teams are working with ISPs used by our players to accomplish this. If you remain unable to view our website, please reply to let us know the name of your Internet Service Provider, your city, and the web browser you use when playing Club Penguin.
To thank you for your patience and understanding during this service interruption, we have added 10,000 coins and 1 week of free membership time to your penguin, 'Ice Berg1010'.
Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns and we hope to see you waddling around Club Penguin again soon!
Have a great day,
Club Penguin Support"
To me how they explained what went wrong was really professional. Plus they added 10,000 coins to my account and 1 week to my membership :D
I noticed when I was buying some music jam tee- shirts and I had 11,000 coins!
Thanks Club Penguin for taking care of the situation in a professional manner!
~Ice Berg1010~
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